Ramadan - A Time for Holistic Purification

4 min read
Jul 28, 2024 2:28:20 PM

Ramadan 2024 is upon us. Muslims around the world are once again blessed with an opportunity to reflect on their spirituality and their faith.  Here are some important dimensions to consider for your efforts, including the purification of your wealth!

In the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, avoiding eating, drinking and other pleasurable desires. 

But why do Muslims fast during Ramadan? Through fasting, we take the time to get closer to Allah (SWT) through improving our ibadah (worship) and increasing our dhikr (remembrance of God). 

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), during this blessed month, said: “When Ramadan enters, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hellfire are closed and the devils are chained.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

As such, Ramadan marks the perfect time for us to get in touch with our spirituality, family and community and strengthen our will as Muslims. But it also represents a time for us to consider another important dimension: our wealth.

So what do you do in Ramadan to achieve this? Here are some ways to help you gain a well-rounded and fulfilling Ramadan experience.

The Spiritual Importance of Ramadan

Ramadan is a spiritual time for Muslims. As a month which symbolises dedication, reflection and discipline, Ramadan allows us to shield ourselves from sin through fasting. 

As said by the Prophet (peace be upon him): “Fasting is a shield. So the fasting person should avoid obscene speech and should not behave foolishly and ignorantly, and if somebody fights with him or insults him, he should tell him twice, ‘I am fasting.”

In addition to fasting, extra attention is also given to more acts of worship. These acts can come in the form of prayer, dhikr (remembrance), reciting Qur’an, giving charity, and asking for forgiveness from God. Through performing such actions which are pleasing to God, we become closer to our Creator and are given more rewards during this blessed month. 

The Importance of Family During Ramadan

Ramadan marks a time where Muslims gather together, especially in the presence of family. In turn, being able to come together during Suhoor (pre-dawn meal) and Iftar (breaking fast meal) gives us the much needed time to connect and bond with our families. 

From helping our parents prepare food during meal times to to reciting Qur’an with our younger siblings, there are many activities which we can do to draw closer to our families. Other great activities which are great for family bonding include praying together, reading Islamic Books together, and visiting local Mosques and attending community Iftar events together.

As the most blessed time for Muslims to learn and grow together, Ramadan is the best month to create the most cherishable and unforgettable memories with our families. Likewise, reinstating family traditions during Ramadan can not only bring the family closer together, but also bring everyone closer to God.

The Importance of Community During Ramadan

Ramadan is most definitely a time which brings the community together, both to each other and to God.

As fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, the importance of fasting during the month of Ramadan creates a sense of unity among Muslims, regardless of age, background and circumstance. 

From grand community Iftars, local street food stalls, and gathering for taraweeh in local Mosques, Ramadan is when our communities engage in activities that get everyone involved – in one way or another!

The Opportunity to Purify our Wealth in Ramadan

Similarly, Ramadan is also a time where we work together to fulfil another pillar of Islam: Zakat. Since the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the Muslim community has always valued giving charity to those in need. 

As Ramadan is a time filled with the most opportunities to gain blessings from God, many of us choose to give our Zakat or Sadaqah (charity) during this blessed month. 

Towards the last ten nights of Ramadan especially, many Muslims gather together to try and observe Laylatul Qadr (Night of Power). As Laylatul Qadr is considered the holiest night of the year, it is the most ideal time for us to pray more and give more charity together as a community. 

But there’s yet another important way in which we can purify our wealth this month. And that is by taking a step back and considering whether we are making Islamically-informed choices when it comes to our investments and wealth more generally.

Are we growing our wealth in line with our values? Are we ensuring our wealth-generation options are Shariah-compliant and do not come at the cost of our jurisprudence? 

These considerations are important ones; and all the more important in this month where we take a step back and try to ensure that all we are doing is in line with the precepts God has prescribed when it comes to our wealth. 

Your superannuation is one critical part of your wealth, and this month is an invaluable opportunity to question whether your super fund is aligned to your values. Where does your super fund invest, and are these investments in industries and companies that observe Shariah-compliant practices? 

Through coming together and elevating our acts of worship for the sake of God, Ramadan offers us a time to ask these questions in a way we do not the rest of the year. We should truly take the time out to ponder and reflect these questions and consider whether - with the momentum of Ramadan behind us - we should be considering making changes in our lives that are for our betterment, both in this life and the next!

In 2013, Crescent Wealth Super became the first Shariah-compliant super-fund. We recognise that there is more to a superannuation investment than just maximising returns – especially if it comes at the expense of your beliefs. Our commitment to Islam means we abide by our commitment to Islamic principles that encourage peace amongst humankind and prosperity built on ethical principles of investment and wealth creation.

If you are interested in switching to a super fund that displays your Islamic values of ethical and responsible investment, call us on 1300 926 626.

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