Complaints Policy
If you have any complaints about the services we have provided to you, you should take the following steps:
First contact Salaam Wealth Superannuation Fund by any of the following means:
- Post: Salaam superannuation
Locked Bag A4094
Sydney South NSW 1235 - Email:
- Phone: 1300 926 626
We will acknowledge your complaint within 24 hours of receipt if practicable and we will try and resolve your complaint quickly and fairly. If you need additional assistance to lodge a complaint, please use any of the above methods to contact us. We can engage accessibility services such as interpreters if required.
Suppose your complaint can’t be resolved within 45 calendar days (or, if it is about death benefit payments, 90 calendar days after the 28 calendar day objection period allowed for death benefit payment decisions). In that case, we will notify you that a decision about your complaint will be delayed, the reason for the delay, and advise you have the right to refer the matter to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (‘AFCA’). Further, if you are not satisfied with the decision made regarding your complaint, you may also refer the matter to AFCA.
If required, AFCA may be contacted on:
- Post: GPO Box 3, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001
- Email:
- Phone: 1800 931 678
Where we need more time (for example, due to complexity or difficulties investigating your complaint), we will write to you to let you know that we need more time, the reasons why and that you have the right to refer the matter to the AFCA if you are dissatisfied.