How to switch your investment option
We understand that your retirement goals may change, and as a result you may need to change your investment option.

Switch anywhere… anytime
Salaam offers three Islamically-compliant investment options. Each provides the opportunity to invest in a variety of global and domestic markets, assets and investments; and each has a different investment return objective, time frame, risk, and timing strategy.
Choosing the option that’s right for you brings you a step closer to ensuring your super is invested according to your Islamic values. At Salaam super this is a simple process that can take as little as 3 minutes.
How to switch your investments
Switching your investments is easy. Firstly, it’s important to understand the investment objective of the fund, including its risk level and target allocation, and in making your decision whether that Salaam investment option is right for you.
Once you are comfortable you have two options
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Our concierge team is available weekdays between 8:30am to 5:30pm (AEST) .
Within Australia
1300 926 626
Outside Australia
+61 2 9696 9800
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Contact us
Postal Address
Salaam superannuation
Locked Bag A4094
Sydney South NSW 1235
Superannuation Fund Name
Russell Investments Master Trust
Superannuation Trustee
Total Risk Management (TRM)
Unique Superannuation Identifier
No there are no fees or charges involved in switching your investment and you can switch your investment option at anytime.